Journal Entry #1 - First Newspapers

The Delivery Of Information-
Some obvious differences between the newspapers today and the ones online are that  before, they did not seem to be very localized and focused on the bigger news around the world. In the article it said that it would only be a short page, double-sided where as today, the newspaper is quite lengthy. Also, in the earlier newspapers there weren't any pictures and in today's newspapers there are a lot of pictures that go along with mostly every article.

Newspaper Suppression-
I do not think the government should have the same kind of power as they had before with what newspapers were aloud to publish government-wise. If the government had a lot of control over what was said then I do not believe the truth would come out near as much. They would cover up all the bad parts about the government and only show the good so people will be oblivious to what is actually happening.

Publishing Today-
I think many newspapers are critical to governments and continue to publish things because I think in a way, they are getting their anger out by doing this. It is also their job to speak the truth and how they feel towards the scenario. The government can not shut down the newspapers that cover these issues because of the law put in place to prevent it.

Newspapers in Canada-
I'm not surprised that the first newspaper was published in Halifax because that is where a lot of boats and ships that came in the harbor so it was a pretty popular place. They would also get news a lot easier from what the workers on the ships would tell them. Overall, it was a fairly busy place compared to other places in Canada.


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